Tony Castro: Is There Life Beyond St. Tropez?
Tony Castro Yacht Design has long been associated with developing yachts that boast adventure infused into their DNA, moving away from traditional pleasure vessels and towards exciting exploration boats. Driving this change is the desire of yacht owners to explore unknown destinations, uncovering some of the world’s hidden gems. However, the iconic superyacht hotspots, such as the South of France and Palm Beach, will always be favourable with yachting enthusiasts, so in response to this designer Tony Castro asks the question: is there life beyond St. Tropez?
The Mediterranean has always been the focal point of the superyacht industry, characterised by a rich history, remarkable landscapes, and a spectacle of stunning marinas for vessels to dock. Despite these destinations holding a significant place in the hearts of yachting enthusiasts, Tony Castro has asked whether these locations have now become too predictable.
Thanks to the rise of social media, people nowadays think of the world as far more accessible than it once was, resulting in unknown destinations no longer considered out of reach, but achievable and appealing. As the yachting clientele is becoming increasingly younger, new and fresh perspectives have come to light, that is, transitioning from the traditional outlook on yachting to a more adventurous spirit.
A ‘Mission Expedition’ mindset has rippled across yacht owners, eager to uncover some of the planet’s most unique areas. This demand has been responded to by yacht designers and builders in the form of several Quasi-Explorer concepts, Tony Castro being a pioneer in these types of vessels.
Castro himself has an unwavering drive for exploration, having a strong affinity to Antarctica in particular, recognising it as, ‘an unforgettable odyssey that can only be truly appreciated with your own eyes.’
Across the industry, new technologies have been implemented in order to deliver more environmentally-conscious yachts that are capable of travelling longer distances, without compromising comfort, safety or style. For Tony Castro, eco-conscious innovations are the most important aspect of these new explorer designs:
‘Exploring new and remote destinations require adequately designed yachts suitable for the purpose… future concepts and designs must ensure new territories and marine life are not affected by any discharges overboard or even anchoring for example.’More rugged and purposeful yachts are emerging from shipbuilders, boasting self-sufficiency, reliability and extraordinary strength. It is also more important than ever that a comprehensive range of toys and tenders can be accommodated onboard, elevating the uniqueness of these explorative cruises.
To enhance exploration even further, Tony Castro has developed a new initiative called ‘Yachts for Science.
‘Yachts for Science will allow inquisitive owners and guests to embrace scientific exploration enabling researchers to conduct experiments and collate data with minimal disturbance to delicate ecosystems,’ Castro explained. ‘Fostering this momentum will drive innovation and accelerate the development of the all-important regulations and infrastructure needed to protect areas from exploitation and overcrowding.’
So, the question remains: is there life beyond St. Tropez? For Tony Castro, the answer is very simple. Beyond the traditional yachting destinations lies an entire world undiscovered, where yacht owners can embark on endless experiences that will quench their desires for exploration. To facilitate these adventures, yacht designs have evolved and will continue to develop to offer the safest and most comfortable time at sea, fitted with the latest innovations to reduce their environmental impact.
Beyond St. Tropez lies limitless experiences just waiting to be discovered, and Tony Castro Yacht Design is the go-to design studio to encourage these adventures, enabling yacht owners to uncover some of the world’s most remarkable gems in safety, comfort and luxury.